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Showing posts from September, 2015

Forever And Always

Forever and always Together we will be No matter how near or far You are with me This bond between us Will never be broke We were meant to be We both knew from the start No matter what happens Or what we may hear Nothing won't keep us apart Forever and always I will love you As you love me We are electric Like flame to a fire You're my magic I am your damsel in distress You are my Prince Come save me from death I'm yours and yours alone No other will do I am your rugged mountain You are my shadow In sickness and health We stick together I won't leave you Forever and always

Near Death Experiences

Have you ever thought about near death experiences?  What it would be like?  Feel it!  Or to go through it.  Can you think about being at that point!  To the point of "no return."  Just think about it.  What it would mean.  How it would make us feel!  So exciting!  Maybe scared a little. Some people have had these experiences.  Think of the bright light or  just a glimpse into life after death.  It is a pattern.  A noise and sense of being dead!  I can feel myself floating as I sit here and write this.  Just to think about this is interesting to me.  I can almost feel like it is happening to me. Your body moves quickly, outside of the physical body.  It is like a peace that comes over you.  You may feel sad about having to return.  You can see your past before your eyes. It happens most of the time because of a life threatening situation.  Could be an accident, ...

My Drawings and Painting


Leaving him alone She walked away as Doom was falling As flowers were dancing Beside the lake He was like fresh air Infusing life back into her The touch of morning Was shivering by the lake In the cacophony of conformity She lost her voice You can hear the doom As she could not escape The iron grip of desire He could hear doom calling Of flickering candles

Whispers Of Silence

As a plane swooped down Just like an eagle after its prey Like an old tree falling down Defeat was bitter indeed As the silence was shattered By a scream Like a canvas untouched By an artist Dreams of spirits, monsters And other things Whispers of silence Left to faint and cry Like a melody in flesh and blood Leaves in a storm was spread Like abandoned castles Of long ago With many secret rooms That is dimly lit and gloomy In forests that are dense and foggy Whispers of silence

A New Day

The first picture is my drawing and painting.